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Friday, November 7, 2014

Evolution and Hairfall

Disclaimer 1: The phenomenon outlined here may or may not be based on credible science.. Feel free to accept or reject it based on the position of your hairline..
Disclaimer 2: Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks. Please read the offer document carefully before investing.

Those of you who have had the good fortune of seeing me; or more importantly - my shining scalp - in the near past know what has prompted the upcoming revelations...

Nature is without doubt a force greater than any than man can contemplate.. Evolution has taken single celled blobs of protoplasmic jelly and created the homo sapien... Of course, the breed is not uniformly evolved.. We have all encountered numerous homo sapiens less evolved than us.. Some of us have had the sense to meet more evolved members of the species too!

Is evolution subjective? I wish I had wings... Humans are considered higher up in the evolutionary ladder.. Why were the wings clipped off from the birds? Somewhere, few million years ago, creatures branched off into land/ sea/ air categories and evolved accordingly I guess... Sad na? Some of you are probably as sad about the remoteness of the chance of your grandchildren growing gills and surviving underwater... But come on.. Humans with wings would have been really cool!!!

What about non-physiological evolution? Physiological evolution happens in a very functional manner... If I try everyday to jump higher and higher, flap an imaginary set of wings, train my children to do the same, they train their children to do the same and so on.., maybe after a few lakh generations, my lineage will sprout functional wings!! Very nice description of evolution...
Don't mind the expletive usage.. 
Non-physiological evolution is more subjective.. The goal, or direction of evolution is not defined very clearly.. Which is why we have so many viewpoints, languages, religions, branches of science, sport, art & craft, countries etc... Makes life fun.. If we were all evolving uni-directionally, how boring would existence be! 

Point of this discussion is, no matter what the form of evolution, it is definitely a sign of a step forward.. Scientists claim the vermiform appendix will cease to exist in humans in some thousand generations' time... Evolution?! Yeah... :D
During the stone age, when humans were basically monkeys with straighter backs and less body hair, we lived out in the open, well exposed to the elements of nature... We needed that body hair!!! See, monkeys still have them.. They don't build houses with air-conditioning units etc... We don't.. Hence, unless you are related to Anil Kapoor, you have much lesser body hair than the common baboon... Evolution?! Yes!! Congrats... :D
Similarly, the hair on the head... Have you seen Robin Sharma's shining scalp? Now that is a sign of a truly evolved soul... Humans are slowly progressing towards this ideal, and hence, evolved souls experience the "problem" of hairfall... Blame society and its ignorance of true progress for the existence of Dr. Batra! The more your hairline has receded, the more evolved you are! Poor female homo sapiens have a longer way to go.. I hear of the existence of shampoos to stop hair breakage... Hair breakage is not a problem.. It is just an extra step that long-haired, yet evolved being must go through, before they start balding... So chill.. Society shall one day realize that bald is beautiful and treat us with the respect we deserve, for we are the next stage in human evolution! Not Professor X and his mutants.. It is us.. Silent bearers of universal truths, contained in our exposed scalps... 
